this is a fictional tree of a nation called Alvernie.
it is a french speaking country, wich have fought in WWII along side the alliesthis is the purely ground branch; Planes, Helicopters, Coastal, Bluewater and Infantry tree will come later, separatly
if you have remarks, improvement idea, or noticed some errors, feel free to contact me on Reddit, username:
back up log:
back up 0: delete non ground vehiculs from the general tech tree
back up 1: reorganisation of the tree by moving the SPAA on branch 5 and moving the Isles tanks and the Heavy tanks in branch 3, added char modèle 35 heavy tank
back up 2: added mod 35 v45 heavy, and several anti tank
back up 3: several modification, including the transformatio of the 10mm mod 2 in 13mm mod 2
backup 4: updated chenillette mod 4I, char mod 10I, char mod 12I, added the char modèle 40I
back up 5: added mod 60I, modified mod 25 into mod 20, added mod 20 v 25, modifed other details
back up 6: added mod 26 v 35, mod 19, AMX-13, changed the name of the modèle 0 to Renault FT, Leopard 1A5, chenillette mod 2 v 5 AA, unfoldered the AC-M mod 15, char mod 10 proto 8 (now rank 0)
back up 7: added mod 65I, renamed "mod 12 v16A" into "mod 12 v 16 (Kwk38)" and "mod 12 v 16B" into "mod 12 v 16". modified the obtention condition for: mod 10 proto 8, mod 11, SC mod 12 v 16 AC, M3A3, B2, B2bis, M4A4(mod19), mod 26 v 35, AMX13, mod 40 v 45, leopard 1A5
backup 8: aded mod 15 v 17, little modification on mod 18, moddified the vehicule de défense présidentiel into the AM mod 5
back up 9: unfoldered mod 12 v 15
back up 10: aded the CAAACM mod 15 and mod 15 v 18
backup 11: change the tech tree picture of lead-lense vehicule by the warthunder tech tree image (except for the Renault FT as it use the R35 image). aded picture for the AMX-13, the M4A4 (mod 19), the leopard 1A5
back up 12: modification of the br of the mod 70
backup 13: modiifed some rank 4 vehicule about the modèle 35 chassis
backup 14: added some detail on the mod 26
backup 15: modification on the mod 40s, addition of the mod 40v65 and the mod 29, modification of the description of the leopard 1A5
backup 16: modification of modèle 35 based vehicule (VRL, VCB, LM mod 35 and mod 35 v 45, LRM), adding the universal light chassis in the description
backup 17: modification of AA mod 35 (renamed, description changed,...)
backup 18: modification from the mod 0 v2 to the mod 2 and the mod 0 v 4 into mod 2 v4, with a changed description. descrtition of the AC-M mod 11 also as been changed
version 0.19: moved vehicul with a br above 11.5 to rank 8, modification of the modèle 60BE into mod 60E, chage of it br to 11.0 and more choice in armement
version 0.20: aded the chassis universel in a folder with the VRL mod 35 for more description
version 0.21: added pictures from Sprocket to illustrate some of the vehicules, such as: VRL mod 35, lance missile mod 35, VCB mod 35, DCA mod 35, chassis leger universel mod 35
version 0.22, modifed the DCA mod 35 v 55, added pictures. added ilustration of each turret for the chassis leger universel mod 35
version 0.23: update of the char modèle 2, all versions, including the AC-M modèle 11 and AC-M modèle 15, now ACM mod 11 and ACM mod 11 v 15
version 0.24: update on the char modèle 10 (now modèle 11) and it variant. there is now 4 version of the tank, at br 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, in rank 1 and 2. update to AA and AT version are planed
version 0.25: added the MAA mod 50, correction on the char mod 60E
version 0.26: update on the ACM mod 15 and mod 15 v 17
version 0.27: continuing the change on interwar vehicules. starting with the amphibious tank. there is now 3 version of the mod 2I, with only the standard one finished. different tank have been put on the side, before some major change to them
version 0.28: finsihing the mod 2I variant, addition of the "mod 2 family" explanation foldered with the mod 2
version 0.29: changed the name to "Alvernie", in English "Alvernia", few change on the char mod 11 v 17 and all the char mod 2
version 0.30: modified the chenillete mod 2 and mod 2 v 10 AT
version 0.31: added OM mod 10
version 0.32: added the mod 12 "hydre 1" modified the mod 10 proto 8 into mod 11 proto 10. modified the mod 10 (1er rg) into mod 11 (1er rgt. cav. bli.), modified the char mod 11 into char mod 12v13 "hydre 2".
version 0.33: modified the char mod 12 and variants into char mod 13 and variant (mod 13, mod 13v14, mod 13v15)
version 0.34: modified the mod 12 v 17 into mod 13 v 17, added the mod 13 v 14 v 16 and mod 13 v 15 v16
version 0.35: modified the canon d'assault modèle 13 and it variant into CA mod 15, CA mod 15 v 17, added CA mod 15 v 18
version 0.36: added CA mod 15 v 18 v 18, deleted the artillerie automoteur modèle 15
version 0.37: added photo for all the current mod 13 tanks variants, modified the chenillette mod 2 v 5 AA into AAM mod 5, more description on the mod 2 familly
version 0.38: work on the rank 1 AA modified AM mod 5 into AAM mod 10, modified Camion antiaerien mod 10 into AAM mod 10 v 15, modified the camion anti aerien modèle 10 version 17 into AAM mod 15 v 16, added AAM mod 15, added family description the the 13 familly and mod 11
version 0.39: improvement on the char modèle 11 familly description, added image for the mod 11 (1er rgt. cav. bli.), mod 11 proto 10, added description d images to the char mod 13I, Char mod 12 "hydre 1"
version 0.40: finished the char mod 12 v 13 "hydre 2", reorganized the " to do" section.
version 0.41: added description and image on the Renault FT, modified the voiture blindée modèle 10 into VB mod 10, added VB mod 10 v 15
version 0.42: changed broken images on every char mod 2 tanks and variant, modified the modèle 14 "pissenlit" into mod 18 pissenlit
version 0.43: half track time! changed SC mod 12 v 16 AC into SC mod 15 v 16 AC, changed semi-chenille modèle 12 version 15 into SC mod 15 v 15 AC, replaced the semi-chenille modèle 10 by the SC mod 15 (family), added SC mod 15 v 15 AF and SC mod 15 v 17 AC
version 1.0: finished AAM mod 15, AAM mod 15 v 16, decription and image for the mod 11 and mod 13 famillies, and a small description for the tree.
to do:
before 2.0:
add the image on:
add detail in the description: char mod 13 familly, char mod 11 familly
redo the whole tank (sprocket, name, description): anti aerien mod 16, anti-aérien modèle 10 version 18, char modèle 17
make (in sprocket): CAAACM (all vairants), anti air variant of the modèle 11 and 13, and some SPG variant too
see what we can do with: char mod 16
the first line of vehicule with a br between 0 and 1 is rank 0, an optional rank composed of light tank and tankettes, with the main gun being 8mm, 13mm machine guns or WWI 37mm, devloped between 1925 and 1935